The fog begins
to fade away |

Gary takes aim,
It still won't matter! |

Buck grossed 235 and netted 223 typical, taken in Sperry, Iowa. The
he is next to on the truck, scores 201
(see photo below) |

Wow! What A Buck!
Killed in Charles County, MD |

Bear Bites Thru Electrical Cable - Photo Sent In
By Blake DeFatta |

Party Hunting is legal in Minn. - Sent in by Paul
Thein(killed 5 bucks Opening Day ... All are 8-pt or better) |

Paul Thein's 5th Deer On Opening Day in Minn. |

This photo and the one above was sent in by
Blake DeFatta. Hunter in the photo is unknown |

The correct information on this
trophy buck was sent in by
Tim Daughrity.
Thanks a bunch Tim !! |

Greg Martin pictured with his Gobbler which
was taken during the Annual Bad Boy Buggy hunt in West Texas |

We won't name any names,
but here he is again doing what he does best.
"Kill 'em, Kill 'em all"
Photo sent in by Jerry Lee taken from a pit blind in South East Arkansas. |

An Arkansas Sunrise
as seen from a pit blind in South East Arkansas
Photo sent in by Jerry Lee |

These two photos are of a deer that was killed
in KY during the '06 Pennyrile forest firearm quota hunt by an Amish fellow. |