Photo Gallery 6
A great big "Thank You" to Tony, Tip, Selby, Gus, Jack, and all of the
other members of the Cooper Lake Hunting Club for allowing me
to participate in one of the most fun trips of the year!
Tony and Jack taking it easy
Since Jack claimed he killed them all .... he gets to clean them all!
Gus steps out to see what all of this early morning "stuff" is about.
A "bundle" of ducks were killed that morning - 18
In the blind at the farm, Jack and Evans talk it over
Bradley Arkansas
Same Field
A Quick Survey Of The Sky
Evans relaxing in the blind
Somebody Has To Clean "Em
Photo of the rice field
Jack and Price walking back to the Lodge from the morning hunt.
Hunting Jack's Farm
Jack and Price take a moment to survey the situation
Geese sitting in the field at Cooper Lake
Tip in front of the "Big Screen"
Geese! ... on the ground and in the air.
Geese in the Cooper Lake area
Jack takes a break during a hunt on his farm
Jack and Price pose with their morning harvest.