Photo Gallery 18
The Mallard Inn Boat House
The Mallard Inn Boat House
Boats tied to the Patio
Boats tied to the camp house
Boats tied and floating to and thru the patio
Ryan Showing Off His New Finger Nail Polish
We can still see the Finger Nail Polish
Don't Ryan's Finger Nails Look Nice
Kennon Showing That He Doesn't Wear Finger Nail Polish
Kennon and Coach having a brief rest
3-18-2016 Lake is dropping
3-18-2016 Lake is dropping
3-18-2016 Lake is dropping
3-18-2016 Lake is dropping
3-18-2016 Lake is dropping
3-18-2016 Lake is dropping
3-18-2016 Lake is dropping
3-18-2016 Lake is dropping
Oh My!