Photo Gallery 16
Divers on the Cleaning Table
Kole has an arm load
Kole carries a wad of Ringnecks
Loading Kole up with Ringnecks
Kole - You dropped one
Cole picks up a dropped duck
Jeff had a good day in Belcher
Big Sprig
Waiting to be cleaned
Long Tail Sea Duck
Long Tail Sea Duck
Mark's Divers
Redheads on the blind
Closing day Ringnecks
Ryan's Friends found a solid stump
Money Bird - Jeff with goose
Dustin H. Puts his new blind in the water
Another Photo Of Dustin's New Blind
Rainy and Ryan Had a good day - Canvasbacks
The Gaspards & Kole have a good day
Bob and Will catch a few
Bob fills his strap while in the blind
Brother - Sister Act -- Elizabeth & Kole
We start 'em early - Elizabeth, Rainy, and Kole
"Coach" brings back the "money" duck
A loaded tail gate
Will collects money for the Wigeon